When You Should Not Host with Hostinger Shared Hosting

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Hostinger offers cheap shared hosting,
Hostinger offers cheap shared hosting, you can see the complete product list here > Visit Online

Hosting is one of the best choices for shared hosting, but that’s mainly due to its fantastic prices in this area. But what happens if you have specific needs that aren’t met with this brand? Moving up to VPS and creating a customized hosting environment can be expensive and challenging.

Instead, consider what you want and look for an alternative already available. The idea is not to reinvent the wheel for no good reason. Thankfully, the saturated web hosting business means many good Hostinger alternatives are available, irrespective of what you need.

If you’re coming up against a wall when looking at Hostinger’s shared hosting plans, where are some potential scenarios where you can do better.

1. If You Need WordPress Staging

WordPress Staging is only available for top-tier plans such as Business WordPress, Cloud Startup WordPress and WordPress Managed WooCommerce Plans
WordPress Staging is only available for top-tier plans such as Business WordPress, Cloud Startup WordPress and WordPress Managed WooCommerce Plans

Hostinger offers a good range of WordPress plans, but the cheaper options don’t support WordPress staging. While this isn’t a top priority for all users, those with experience running long-term WordPress websites know it will eventually come in handy.

WordPress staging allows you to create a “test copy” of your website to try out new things like extra features, code, or design elements. Without staging, you run a big risk of breaking production websites during these upgrades.

The problem with staging is that Hostinger and many other hosts can be edgy about allowing you to stage a website. This is because staging eats up a lot of system resources, occupying these valuable elements, especially on shared hosting plans.

There’s another clue to be seen here. Most of the cheaper options like Hostinger won’t easily provide overly taxing features on their systems. Thinking of it another way, a website with heavy traffic will also likely suffer.

For WordPress Staging Web Hosts


Always one of the most attentive to detail, ScalaHosting allows staging on all their shared plans. One thing to note, though, is that their shared hosting is still currently running on SSD storage, which might slow down your server I/O speed a little.

Visit ScalaHosting for more details.


Not your average web host, HostPapa provides green hosting services from its home base of Canada. You don’t get WordPress staging on the cheapest plan, but you only need to bump things up one level, and it’s available.

Visit HostPapa for more details.

2. When Security is a Top Priority

The advanced security modules Hostinger discussed are merely industry-standard.
The advanced security modules Hostinger discussed are merely industry-standard.

Hostinger talks a lot about their server security. Their knowledgebase discusses how their servers use mod_security, Suhosin PHP hardening, and PHP open_basedir protection. However, these are mainly industry-standard and don’t tell the full story. It’s also pretty sad that their backups are weekly only.

If you’re serious about security, look for a web host that goes the extra mile. That means a host that offers extensive server hardening and user protection from third-party security services like Immunify or Sucuri. Some web hosts even have strong CDN partnerships so that you can use tools like a Web Application Firewall.

The truth is that many web hosts will take care of their servers. However, your website is your problem, and they aren’t likely to spend more money taking care of it on your behalf. Because of that, more secure web hosting options can be relatively harder to find.

For Highly-Secured Web Host

Scala Hosting

To make VPS hosting more available, security is one aspect that Scala Hosting takes seriously. They’ve even developed their security plugin that provides 24/7 active threat monitoring for your website and safeguards against malware.

Visit Scala Hosting for more details.


Shared hosting is seldom ideal for security, and Liquidweb only offers VPS plans or better. They have a reputation as one of the best power-hosting service providers in the business. All plans come with proactive service monitoring, offsite backups, and multi-level DDoS protection.

Visit LiquidWeb for more details.

3. If Long Contracts are a Problem

If you want to get the lowest price, you need to sign up for the 48-month contract.
If you want to get the lowest price, you need to sign up for the 48-month contract.

One of the highlights at Hostinger is the extremely low prices that you’ll find on their shared hosting plans. However, to get those low prices, you’ll have to sign on with them for a 48-month contract. That’s four years of lock-in with one service provider.

While we’re okay with contracts, anything beyond three years seems excessive. Unless you’re very familiar with Hostinger, there are better ideas than the extended lock-in. Any dispute and you may find yourself stuck with no options except to cut your losses.

Although this isn’t guaranteed, it’s better to keep long lock-ins minimum. I would say that you can consider anything three years and below as reasonable.

Hostinger Alternatives for Shorter Hosting Contracts

InMotion Hosting

InMotion Hosting offers three-year contracts to get maximum savings. While that may be stretching the limits, their plans are preferable, and you tend to get more than other hosting options, even for shared hosting.

Visit InMotion Hosting for more details.


Like InMotion, GreenGeeks is another web host that offers a good annual contract. While you can sign on for up to three years, the best savings are those on the 12-month plan. An additional bonus is that GreenGeeks is an environmentally friendly hosting service.

Visit GreenGeeks for more details.

4. When cPanel Hosting is Preferred

Web Hosts such as TMDHosting still offer cPanel as their default control panel
Web Hosts such as TMDHosting still offer cPanel as their default control panel > visit online

Hostinger is one of those who realized early that cPanel market dominance isn’t a good sign. True enough, users of this web hosting control panel have faced multiple price hikes over a relatively short period.

Anyway, Hostinger offers its custom-designed web hosting control panel instead. hPanel is simple and effective, but it may not suit everyone. The problem is that Hostinger doesn’t offer anything else except hPanel. 

Be aware that web hosts need to pay for cPanel licensing. If you seriously need cPanel, you’re likely to find it only on the more expensive brands. Budget choices like Hostinger will likely not offer cPanel as the first choice.

For cPanel Hosting


Despite price hikes, TMDHosting has retained cPanel as the preferred choice across its hosting plans. If you want a cPanel-powered web host, this is one of the best options around. There are many other encouraging factors, too, including a free domain name, even on the cheapest plan.

Visit TMDHosting for more details.


KnownHost offers cPanel on all of its shared hosting plans. You also get a decent amount of resources and access to LiteSpeed. While it may not be the cheapest around, KnownHost offers better-than-average uptimes of 99.99%.

Visit KnownHost for more details.

5. When (Super) Powerful Server is a Priority

Compared to Hostinger, Kinsta includes advanced features such as DDoS protection, Kinsta-CDN, Full-page caching, etc. to boost hosting performance
Compared to Hostinger, Kinsta includes advanced features such as DDoS protection, Kinsta-CDN, Full-page caching, etc. to boost hosting performance > visit online

Hostinger offers cost-effective shared hosting, but if you need powerful web hosting, you should consider alternatives. While you can also find VPS and Cloud here, several other choices would be preferable.

The more robust plans at Hostinger are too generic for my liking. Consider a specialist in your area of interest for more powerful hosting options. For example, high-end WordPress hosting will be better satisfied at a brand like Kinsta.

For More Hosting Power


Cloudways acts as a conduit to several Cloud hosting providers. It offers potent Cloud hosting choices with a simplified management interface. Best of all, it’s pay-as-you-go with no hefty upfront fees.

Visit Cloudways for more details.


It may not be the cheapest hosting option, but Kinsta does have many advantages over standard web hosting. It offers a robust WordPress-specific platform right down to the expert WordPress support teams available.

Visit Kinsta for more details.

Final Thoughts: Look Beyond Shared Hosting

The world of web hosting is virtually limitless. Just because shared hosting is cheap doesn’t mean you can’t do better for a comparable price. After all, many things factor into consideration when choosing your web hosting provider and plan.

While there’s no doubt that Hosting excels in some areas, it doesn’t cover the entire spectrum equally well. There are many niche cases where an alternative may do much better, even if it costs a pittance more.

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Article by Timothy Shim

Timothy Shim is a writer, editor, and tech geek. Starting his career in the field of Information Technology, he rapidly found his way into print and has since worked with International, regional and domestic media titles including ComputerWorld, PC.com, Business Today, and The Asian Banker. His expertise lies in the field of technology from both consumer as well as enterprise points of view.
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